About us

Our mission is to empower entrepreneurs and business owners at all stages to push past self-imposed mindset barriers and limiting beliefs so they can achieve their dreams. We’re here to support anyone on their entrepreneurial journey, not just aspiring entrepreneurs and business owners.

We value genuine connections and believe a genuine support system of like-minded individuals is necessary for growth. We host weekly networking events in Charlotte, manage a private support and accountability Facebook Group, and share real insights and actionable advice from business owners who have faced challenges head-on and come out ahead. Our goal is to provide you with the support and accountability you need to achieve your dreams. Our strategies help build confidence, overcome mindset barriers, and foster meaningful connections.

We are a group of entrepreneurs who have faced numerous challenges on the path to success. We’ve been deep in the trenches ourselves and have battled through countless hardships. We’ve made it through and came out stronger on the other side. We know what it’s like to struggle, and our goal is to help you avoid the struggles we’ve experienced and support you on your journey to success.

We’re here to share our experiences, proven techniques, actionable advice, and motivational stories. We provide continuous support and accountability, offering practical strategies to help you build confidence, overcome mindset barriers, and make meaningful connections.

Our Story: I’m Dana, the Founder and CEO of Charlotte Networking Knowledge. Throughout my adult life, I’ve moved 3 times to new, major cities where I knew no one and had no job. It was a lonely and challenging experience. On the advice of my family, I began networking to build connections and seek job opportunities. I put myself out there, and it was hard. I was very young, and super new to the industry. I felt like I didn’t fit in and wasn’t successful enough to be there, but I still pushed myself.

When I moved to Charlotte, I continued running my E-Commerce Business, Pawsitivejoy.com but I was also looking for a full-time job for more income stability. I didn’t know anyone so I was lonely, sad, and sat in my apartment all day. Eventually I got tired of the pity party, and told myself enough was enough and searched on google “Networking events in Charlotte today.” That same day I found a great networking group and attended the meetup.

I realized that putting myself out there and connecting with like-minded people had a huge positive impact on me. However, I knew I needed more support. I wanted to find a group where we could move past surface-level conversations and build deeper connections. I didn’t want to just see these folks once a month. I started asking people about more networking groups and events. I attended more events, but it became difficult to keep track of all of them.

I started sharing a spreadsheet of networking groups in Charlotte on social media, helping others while still searching for the support I needed. I thought, if I want a meaningful support and encouragement network, why not create my own? And that’s how Charlotte Networking Knowledge was born. We started hosting weekly networking events. Our events are casual and laid-back, allowing us to talk about more than just business and really get to know each other on a personal level.

What We Offer

  • Networking Events

    Weekly gatherings in Charlotte where entrepreneurs and business owners can connect, share knowledge, and support each other.

  • Expert Insights

    Real insights and actionable advice from successful business owners who have faced and overcome challenges.

  • Growth Strategies

    Proven strategies to overcome mindset barriers and build confidence, delivered through our e-books, guides, and journals.

  • Support & Accountability Groups

    Private groups, including a Facebook Group, that provide ongoing support, accountability, and a sense of community.

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  • Resources

    E-books, guides, and journal templates to support personal and professional development. These resources provide structured, practical advice and tools that entrepreneurs can implement immediately.

    Explore Our Resources 
  • Join Us

    If you're ready to push past your mindset barriers and build meaningful connections, join our community today! Participate in our weekly events, access our invaluable resources, and be part of a supportive network of like-minded entrepreneurs.

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